Millington solar farm a go despite moratorium
Residents were able to get a county moratorium this past fall on projects such as the Millington-area solar farm that is expected to generate energy for a Facebook data center.
Residents were able to get a county moratorium this past fall on projects such as the Millington-area solar farm that is expected to generate energy for a Facebook data center.
Sewers, when properly maintained, are not given much attention. However, they help guide decisions for growth in Shelby County’s suburbs. As Memphis sewer cutoff looms, DeSoto faces costly facility upgradesRelated story:
Millington wants the Shelby County Clerk to pay for use of the building owned by the suburb. However, after 18 months, no agreement has been met.
Most of the energy generated at a planned $140 million solar farm in Millington will go to power a Meta Platforms Inc. data center more than 200 miles away.
When the Federal Aviation Administration announced in March it would invest $14.8 million into upgrades at Memphis International Airport, the agency also announced it would grant Millington’s airport $1 million toward the new terminal.
Area school superintendents are closely watching Mayor Lee Harris’ wheel tax proposal, if approved the could see an increase in funding for capital needs.
Under state law, third graders who score less than proficient on the TCAP are at risk of retention; some local suburban districts revealed between 7.3% and 12% of their students may need to retake the test.
Suburban home sales dipped in 2022, and new home sales remained low compared to the previous year.
The bulk of residents in the suburbs inside Shelby County have water supplied by the individual cities and have not come under the MLGW precautions.
Memphis-Shelby County Schools and Millington Municipal Schools District approved an agreement transferring ownership of Lucy Elementary by June 2027. Terms set for MSCS to transfer Lucy Elementary to MillingtonRelated story:
Memphis-Shelby County Schools will transfer Lucy Elementary to Millington Municipal School District by June 2027.
The deadline for MSCS to find an agreement or lose ownership of the schools is Jan. 1.
Chris Ford returns to an alderman’s seat in Millington as several other members of the board returned to office in unopposed elections Tuesday.
After seeing their business grow during the pandemic, a pair of local winemakers in Millington expect to see more success as the area changes.
Two offices are contested for the Millington Municipal Schools board on the Nov. 8 ballot, along with two candidates running unopposed.
Chris Ford, 54, an insurance salesman, will defend the Position 3 alderman seat against Tom Stephens, a retired firefighter.
Ronald Sandlin, 35, pleaded guilty in a federal district court in the District of Columbia to conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding and assaulting, resisting or impeding officers, according to a press release.
With Memphis Light, Gas & Water Division now leaning toward staying the TVA as its power supplier, suburban leaders’ focus shifts to representation on the utility’s board.
Half of Shelby County’s suburbs passed a resolution seeking a voice in decisions regarding Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division.
With studies showing benefits of students starting classes later in the morning, several districts are studying the move.
The qualifying deadline for the Nov. 8 election was Thursday at noon. In addition to the federal and state elections, Bartlett, Collierville, Germantown and Lakeland are holding municipal elections.
The church’s leadership believes in “corporate” tithing. Just like they want their members to tithe 10% of their income to the church, Oak Spring donates 10% of its revenue to the community.
Suburban districts saw various improvements on TCAP data, released Wednesday. The third-grade retention law remains concerning for education leaders.
Leaders of Shelby County’s smaller municipalities eye Memphis Light Gas & Water Division’s discussions to replace Tennessee Valley Authority, and say they’re frustrated by having no input in the discussion.
The event will feature static display aircraft, aerobatic performances, military demonstrations and local emergency response helicopters.