
Sanford: It’s time for squabbling Democrats to put aside their differences

By , Daily Memphian Updated: September 26, 2024 4:00 AM CT | Published: September 26, 2024 4:00 AM CT
Otis Sanford
Daily Memphian

Otis Sanford

Otis Sanford is professor emeritus of Journalism and Strategic Media at the University of Memphis and political commentator for WATN-TV ABC24 News. Contact him at 

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File this one under the “what else is new” category.

Local and state Democrats are again squabbling among themselves at a critical juncture in the 2024 election calendar.

It seems to happen with the regularity of a total lunar eclipse — except eclipses are all about an alignment. And alignments are pretty rare among Tennessee Democrats.

Political Roundup: Friction surfaces among local Democrats

The latest tiff came last week when state party chair Hendrell Remus — backed by others in state party leadership — removed Shelby County’s party chair, Lexie Carter, and installed a new four-member team to boost turnout for the Nov. 5 general election. I’m told Remus and other state executive committee members were not happy with the 12% Shelby County turnout during the Aug. 1 primary and feared not enough was being done to get voters to the polls in November.


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