
Tournament newcomer Hillcrest surges into Class 1A semifinals

By , Daily Memphian Updated: March 19, 2025 4:49 PM CT | Published: March 19, 2025 3:28 PM CT

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — Hillcrest High waited 53 years to play the first boys basketball state tournament game in school history. The Vikings will play their second Friday.

Playing with a poise and polish that belied their first-timer status — and thanks to a near-perfect first half from Ja’Coby Lewis, the Vikings surged past Pickett County, 56-39, in the Class 1A quarterfinals Wednesday at the Murphy Center.

“Keying in on film, watching key guys,” said first-year coach Dareyon Terrell when asked what had his team ready for its big moment. “Practice, of course. Preparation. We took the proper steps once we got here.”

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John Varlas

John Varlas

John Varlas is a lifelong Memphian who has covered high school sports in various capacities for over 20 years.


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