
Suburbs could become growth point with proximity to proposed Ford plans

By , Daily Memphian Updated: September 29, 2021 4:00 AM CT | Published: September 29, 2021 4:00 AM CT

Arlington, Bartlett and Lakeland could emerge as the suburban municipalities that benefit most from Blue Oval City given its proximity to the Haywood County site. Arlington and Lakeland also seem prime for more growth in both housing and retail development before Ford’s announcement, this may only accelerate that process.


Memphis Regional Megasite Subscriber Only Arlington City of Lakeland Ford Motor Co. Bartlett Mayor Keith McDonald Shawn Massey John Threadgill Jim Atkinson

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Omer Yusuf

Omer Yusuf

Omer Yusuf covers Bartlett and North Memphis neighborhoods for The Daily Memphian. He also analyzes COVID-19 data each week. Omer is a former Jackson Sun reporter and University of Memphis graduate.


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