ALSAC CEO Richard Shadyac smiles at AbbVie Inc. executives, including Laura Schumacher, executive vice president of External Affairs, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary (far right), during a press conference announcing AbbVie’s $50 million donation – the largest single donation in St. Jude history - to the Memphis-based children’s hospital. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian)
ALSAC CEO Richard Shadyac embraces high school cancer survivor Chandler Howard after the latter’s speech during a press conference announcing the largest single donation in the history of St. Jude Children’s Hospital. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian)
The Family Commons is currently under construction on the second floor of the hospital’s main entrance. The space was previously home to the Patient Care Center (pictured above), which has been relocated to the Kay Research and Care Center. (Submitted)