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What July Fourth can mean for pets

“Common cases we typically encounter during this time include dogs with extreme anxiety leading to various complications such as stress colitis, gastrointestinal issues caused by ingesting toxic foods or foreign objects, and unfortunately, firework-related injuries.”

What Daily Memphians think*

“My brother and sister-in-law really loved Flight last time they were here. They have also enjoyed Erling Jensen’s and Gay Hawk (where we can get fried chicken just like our mother used to make it) and Interstate Barbecue. I look forward to taking them to Mahogany.” — Catherine Chilton, about Where to take visiting friends to eat in Memphis

“Geoff, thanks so much for telling Eunice’s story. I am so blessed to have her in our family!!!!!” — David Gould, about Calkins: She has worked at Gould’s for 68 years. But that’s not the most remarkable part of her tale.

“​​Hoping this explosion in growth will make Delta and other large carriers realize they don’t need to make Memphians fly to Atlanta to connect. Give us more direct flights.” — Suzana Lightman, about Memphis airport expects more than 55,000 travelers over July Fourth break

* Select comments upvoted by Daily Memphian readers.


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