Brian Johnson Band opens Arlington’s Music on the Square concert series
A nice crowd gathered on a nice evening to open Arlington’s Music on the Square concert series, featuring the Brian Johnson Band.
A nice crowd gathered on a nice evening to open Arlington’s Music on the Square concert series, featuring the Brian Johnson Band.
For more than a century, S.Y. Wilson and Co. has served as an anchor for Arlington’s Depot Square. But the sales approach has been updated with new owners.
Despite a tough year of uncertainties, Arlington is still adding businesses, industry and population
Arlington is considering inclusion of welcome signs at entrances to the town on main roads – signs that tend to get removed after plans in the budget each year.
Arlington officials approved the new fiscal year budget on first reading, increasing the amount by $1.3 million. The property tax rate will be decided late next month.
Taco Bell is relocating in Arlington, part of the changing landscape of convenience food options in the northeast Shelby County community.
The property, a half-block off Depot Square, is the oldest church in Arlington.
With continued growth in Arlington and northeast Shelby County, Crye-Leike plans a strip center on Airline Road near Arlington High.
The long-awaited West Tennessee Veterans Home in Arlington has moved onto the priority list, a step closer to reality.
Later this year, the new amphitheater will host concerts, weddings, birthday celebrations, family reunions, church functions and other events.
Seeking more control over gas stations and convenience store locations, the Arlington Board of Mayor and Aldermen adopted a one-year moratorium on the businesses.
In its second year, the JROTC program at Arlington High, provides students with a stepping stone to a military career. It teaches life skills, too.
Bartlett Fire Chief Terry Wiggins said the plan is to administer about 3,500 shots each week – over seven weeks that would be about 24,500 total inoculations.
The available doses were initially earmarked just for school employees from the Arlington, Lakeland and Millington municipal districts. Some town employees, day care center employees and senior citizens 65 and up in the Arlington area were later added.
With generations of work as a foundation and decades of experience in the homebuilding business, David Goodwin Jr. is setting the residential landscape in Arlington.
Revisions made to Providence Place in Arlington receive endorsement from the town’s Planning Commission, bringing the project more in line with today’s commercial market.
Taste Around Arlington changes format due to coronavirus, but still features the top dishes at the town’s restaurants. The event runs through April 29.
The agreement could lead to a partnership with Bartlett for a new vaccination site in the northeast quadrant of Shelby County.
Later this year, Lakeland should get its third grocery store when The Stock Market opens as part of the first phase of retail in the $400 million The Lake District mixed-use project at Canada Road and Interstate 40.
A new vaccine location to serve the northeast quadrant of the county could open soon in Bartlett.
Bartlett’s Board of Mayor and Aldermen authorized Mayor Keith McDonald to enter an agreement with Lakeland and Arlington to open a joint vaccination location at its meeting Tuesday.
The scheduling change is the latest twist in a case that began with an off-court incident involving the Arlington girls basketball team.
Arlington officials increased the population threshold for opening a second liquor store in the town by amending the town code.
Despite Tuesday’s news the Shelby County Health Department will no longer distribute COVID-19 vaccines, Arlington Community Schools doesn’t anticipate any problems for area school employees scheduled to receive their shots on Friday at the suburb’s high school.
Arlington, Bartlett, Collierville, Germantown, Lakeland and Millington students will continue to learn remotely Monday as uncertainty around road conditions in the suburbs persists.