Are later high school start times in the suburbs better for students?
With studies showing benefits of students starting classes later in the morning, several districts are studying the move.
With studies showing benefits of students starting classes later in the morning, several districts are studying the move.
Arlington Mayor Mike Wissman lost a bet on voter turnout by a hair. A “38002 All-Star panel” discusses economic development for the suburb.
New principals in the northeastern municipal districts open the school year with hope, promise and new direction.
“This was not easy for me to run against Mr. Lamar because he has done so much good for our community,” Jonathan Dunn said of defeating Hugh Lamar for the Arlington Community Schools Position 3 board seat.
Anticipating growth in the area from developments such as BlueOval City, the Arlington Chamber of Commerce has relocated its offices to a larger location.
Thursday’s election was the third time Tom Leatherwood and Lee Mills competed for the state seat.
The only incumbent not to hold onto his seat was Hugh Lamar for Position 3 on the Arlington Community Schools Board of Education.
Miccos serves milkshakes, sno cones — which are actually New Orleans-style “snowballs” — sundaes and more.
Arlington municipal school board candidates are strategizing their final campaign moves with Election Day just over a week away.
Three alderman positions and three Arlington Community Schools (ACS) board seats are up for election this year. Early voting runs until July 30.
Arlington can expect some of the most substantial growth from Ford’s new Blue Oval City, predicts Brooxie Carlton, Assistant Commissioner of Rural and Community Development.
The church’s leadership believes in “corporate” tithing. Just like they want their members to tithe 10% of their income to the church, Oak Spring donates 10% of its revenue to the community.
The first SpineXpress — a satellite clinic for Semmes Murphey — has opened in Arlington. If successful, similar clinics could be on the horizon in other parts of the Memphis metro area.
Suburban districts saw various improvements on TCAP data, released Wednesday. The third-grade retention law remains concerning for education leaders.
Office users are trickling back to the market two-plus years after the COVID pandemic and its restrictions.
Leaders of Shelby County’s smaller municipalities eye Memphis Light Gas & Water Division’s discussions to replace Tennessee Valley Authority, and say they’re frustrated by having no input in the discussion.
Bartlett, Lakeland and Arlington school districts will take advantage of the empty campuses and work on improvement projects.
Is there any real way to tell whether the whole Fayette-Shelby county line discrepancy is a way to keep Lee Mills from running for District 99?
A Shelby County chancellor has ruled that the county commissioner is eligible to run for reelection despite a question of whether her house is in Fayette County.
Across the county, Memorial Day ceremonies recognized the sacrifices of those who perished during their times in the armed service.
Arlington Community Schools Superintendent Jeff Mayo received a stellar review on Tuesday, May 24.
The question arose recently of whether 200 or so homes already occupied and an additional 100 homes planned are in Shelby or Fayette County.
Confusion over the Fayette-Shelby county line raised questions about a candidate’s eligibility and much deeper problems from property taxes to where students attend schools.
The eateries will be a part of Crawford Place commercial subdivision.
The $70 million skilled nursing facility will benefit the estimated 65,000 to 75,000 veterans living in Shelby, Fayette and Tipton counties.