Donna Dobro applies fake blood and other makeup on Dylan Price, 21, before an airport disaster drill at Memphis International Airport on Monday, Oct. 15. The Federal Aviation Administration requires a full-scale disaster exercise every three years. After a 2016 drill, Memphis airport officials decided to have it every two years to sharpen emergency-response procedures. (Houston Cofield/Daily Memphian)
Students from Memphis Academy of Health Sciences show off their makeup to friends before participating in the mock airport disaster at Memphis International Airport. The 60-student senior class of MAHS turned out, along with paramedic students from Northwest Mississippi Community College and others. (Houston Cofield/Daily Memphian)
Chrissy Sewell (left) and Beth Jamison take a break before participating in the mock airport disaster. (Houston Cofield/Daily Memphian)
Beth Jamison picks up her poncho before heading out to participate in the mock airport disaster drill at Memphis International Airport. (Houston Cofield/Daily Memphian)