What Daily Memphians think*
“… Guns to Gardens is a GREAT idea. I believe that Evergreen Church has just scratched the surface.” — Dan Work about Guns to Gardens event transforms firearms into implements of peace
“Here’s an idea…..quit the ‘questionable’ status and PLAY … Plus, you’re disrespecting the fans that pay a LOT of money to come watch the starters when they sit out with ‘questionable injuries’.” — Russell Daws about Santi Aldama: Grizz not ‘respecting the game’ fuels frustration
“I can’t imagine where St Jude would be without Rick Shadyac. You don’t just magically raise $2.7 Billion. He is brilliant, dedicated, committed, focused and kind and he loves Memphis. I will miss having him as part of the fabric of our city.” — Scott Morris about Calkins: As Shadyac steps down, it’s a critical moment for St. Jude
* Select comments upvoted by Daily Memphian readers.