Reviews are back, and everything, it turns out, is rankable
On this week’s Sound Bites, Jennifer Biggs and Chris Herrington talk about the return of official dining reviews to The Daily Memphian.
On this week’s Sound Bites, Jennifer Biggs and Chris Herrington talk about the return of official dining reviews to The Daily Memphian.
On Sound Bites, Jennifer and Chris gab about the food news and features of the last week, including a stop at Dynamic Duo for some. “mole-a-que” sauce.
Chris Herrington is joined by Black Sheep Catering’s Meredith Clinton to talk about the plans for her new South Main speakeasy Lucky Cowboy and about her journey from Hayti, Missouri, gas stations to the Memphis food scene.
Jennifer Biggs and Chris Herrington talk about the Summer Avenue series and each reveal their five favorite takeaways.
Jennifer Biggs and Chris Herrington talk about part three of eating their way down Summer Avenue, and Natalie van Gundy solves the mystery of the early corn harvest.
The second installment of our Summer Avenue tour takes us to diverse places such as Nagasaki, Willie Mae’s, and two favorite Mexican restaurants.
On this week’s Sound Bites, Jennifer and Chris talk about the first leg of their Summer Avenue tour, from East Parkway to Highland.
Chris and Jennifer talk about food they’ve recently eaten and the talk turns to the creative street food dishes that they both like so much.
It’s like an underfunded ‘Seinfeld’ on a podcast: We’ll call this one the pod about nothing with Eric and Jennifer.
Jennifer and Chris share their holiday menus, talk over recent food news and dive deeper in farmers markets and homemade ice cream.
On this week’s Sound Bites, Jennifer Biggs and Chris Herrington talk about some of their favorite summer foods and what’s good on the grill and what’s not.
Jennifer Biggs and Chris Herrington talk it over: Memphis in May is headed back to Tom Lee Park, but some people like Liberty Park better.
On this week’s Sound Bites podcast, Jennifer Biggs and Chris Herrington discuss restaurant recipes and their thoughts on recipes in general.
There’s a new fish restaurant in town, and it comes with a river view. In Crosstown, the new place is all about pinball machines.
Maybe you miss a Chicago style hot dog, maybe a Chicago deep dish pizza, maybe you want restaurants to stay open later or want a local diner. What do you think the Memphis restaurant scene needs?
Meal kits can be a time saver, but having them on hand doesn’t always mean you’re going to be motivated to cook; we dive into the mail bag.
Memphis Black Restaurant Week Cynthia Daniels discusses how the week started, about some of her other events.
Jennifer Biggs and Chris Herrington talk over Herrington’s first Folk’s Folly experience and Chipotle opening on Summer Avenue.
The fried chicken discussion continues on this week’s Sound Bites.
Whether it’s a sit-down meal or a bucket to-go, there’s something about fried chicken that satisfies the Southern in all of us.
This week, Chris Herrington and Jennifer Biggs discuss the best pizzas in Memphis, and while their lists match up a little, they also differ.
This week Chris and Jennifer talk a little about recent meals then open for the mail bag. Iris is coming soon, Joes’ is not a lost cause by any stretch, and the P.O. Press carrots─mmm.
Fried chicken or barbecue? Mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes? And why didn’t we even mention squash or coleslaw? Chris and Jennifer talk Southern food on Sound Bites.
Is a trip to Jerry’s Sno Cones REALLY a trip to Jerry’s if you don’t get a Supreme? We talk it over: ice cream in your snow cone versus straight up.
Science of Beer returns to the Pink Palace on Friday as MoSH returns to its pre-pandemic event schedule.