Bulk of suburban districts step into the uncertainty of a new school year
Houston High School students walk to their second period classes on the first day of school Monday, August 17, 2020. Nearly 2,000 students attend the high school, but due to COVID-19 guidelines, only about 700 will be in the buidling on any given day. On Fridays, all students will take part in virtual learning. (Mark Weber/Daily Memphian)
Houston High School teacher Beth Alsbrook takes her students through AP computer science lessons on the first day of school Monday, August 17, 2020. (Mark Weber/Daily Memphian)
Houston High School students are social distanced while attending physics class on the first day of school Monday, August 17, 2020. (Mark Weber/Daily Memphian)
Houston High School students walk to their second period classes on the first day of school Monday, August 17, 2020. There are nearly 2,000 students who attend the high school, but due to COVID-19 guidelines, there will be only be about 700 in the building on any given day. On Fridays all students will take part in virtual learning. (Mark Weber/Daily Memphian)
Houston High School teacher Beth Alsbrook takes her students through AP computer science lessons on the first day of school Monday, August 17, 2020. (Mark Weber/Daily Memphian)
Four suburban school districts opened for a new academic year Monday morning like none they have ever encountered.