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What Daily Memphians think*

“This is what I mean, reporting the positive of Memphis. ... Two brothers coaching their alma mater... A kid from Orange Mound Melrose H. S. signing a football scholarship with an SEC team (wish that he had signed with the hometown U of Memphis Football Tigers). Speak positive, and things will change based on speaking and writing about positive stories about Memphis.” — Frank Winston about Melrose brings the joy back to Orange Mound

“Maybe the best two events in the city...the FedEx St. Jude Championship (golf) and the SJ Marathon! Both are major league efforts and benefit the hospital greatly.” — Jack Tucker about St. Jude Memphis Marathon runners all had stories to tell

“Thank you for another reminder of why I have always loved Memphis. Thank you for alerting us to another opportunity to pray personally for Isabella, her entire family and everyone being treated at St. Jude.” — Sydney Wagner about Echols: At St. Jude 'We're here for each other'

* Select comments upvoted by Daily Memphian readers.


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